Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Acupuncture (PCOS)
Top ways that acupuncture helps with PCOS for fertility:
Hormonal balance is incredibly complex and the normal ebbs and flows of hormones at any point during a menstrual cycle are controlled by multiple factors, including a healthy endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive systems. It is when those mechanisms become dysfunctional (whether from genetics or environmental and lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, medications, exercise habits, or illnesses) that disorders can develop. Acupuncture works on many different immeasurable levels and allows the body to heal itself. Acupuncture works to regulate imbalances in the body, including on a hormonal level. Luckily, there have been studies showing that acupuncture helps with regulating hormones, especially in the treatment of fertility patients.
Acupuncture treatments have been shown to reduce ovarian volume, reduce the number of ovarian cysts, control hyperglycemia by increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood glucose and insulin levels, reducing cortisol levels and assisting in weight loss.
For most patients in coming in with PCOS, they are focused on fertility, although it can be used to regulate menstruation in general. Acupuncture can promote the recovery of menstrual cycles as well as downregulate the levels of LH and testosterone in patients with PCOS. Acupuncture works by reducing inflammation, calming the nervous system, and may improve ovulation by modulating the central and peripheral nervous systems, the neuroendocrine and endocrine systems. It also improves blood flow through the pelvic/ovarian region, which can improve egg quality by providing a nourishing environment while eggs are developing and reaching maturation. Acupuncture has been shown to improve pregnancy rates when used in conjunction with IVF.
Hormonal balance is incredibly complex and the normal ebbs and flows of hormones at any point during a menstrual cycle are controlled by multiple factors, including a healthy endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive systems. It is when those mechanisms become dysfunctional (whether from genetics or environmental and lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, medications, exercise habits, or illnesses) that disorders can develop. Acupuncture works on many different immeasurable levels and allows the body to heal itself. Acupuncture works to regulate imbalances in the body, including on a hormonal level. Luckily, there have been studies showing that acupuncture helps with regulating hormones, especially in the treatment of fertility patients.
Acupuncture treatments have been shown to reduce ovarian volume, reduce the number of ovarian cysts, control hyperglycemia by increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood glucose and insulin levels, reducing cortisol levels and assisting in weight loss.
For most patients in coming in with PCOS, they are focused on fertility, although it can be used to regulate menstruation in general. Acupuncture can promote the recovery of menstrual cycles as well as downregulate the levels of LH and testosterone in patients with PCOS. Acupuncture works by reducing inflammation, calming the nervous system, and may improve ovulation by modulating the central and peripheral nervous systems, the neuroendocrine and endocrine systems. It also improves blood flow through the pelvic/ovarian region, which can improve egg quality by providing a nourishing environment while eggs are developing and reaching maturation. Acupuncture has been shown to improve pregnancy rates when used in conjunction with IVF.
Other Treatments for PCOS in Traditional Chinese Medicine:
Traditional Chinese medicine also includes herbal, dietary and lifestyle advice. For many women with PCOS, making sure your BMI is at a healthy level with a nutritious diet and exercise are important. Insulin resistance is a frequent issue for people who have PCOS, and in Chinese Medicine, PCOS is considered a damp and phlegm disease, which can be exacerbated by overconsumption of sugar. Exercise will also help reduce stress hormones, which can suppress menstruation. Herbal medicine can be prescribed depending on the goals of PCOS treatment, which can include menstrual regulation and/or fertility treatment.
Traditional Chinese medicine also includes herbal, dietary and lifestyle advice. For many women with PCOS, making sure your BMI is at a healthy level with a nutritious diet and exercise are important. Insulin resistance is a frequent issue for people who have PCOS, and in Chinese Medicine, PCOS is considered a damp and phlegm disease, which can be exacerbated by overconsumption of sugar. Exercise will also help reduce stress hormones, which can suppress menstruation. Herbal medicine can be prescribed depending on the goals of PCOS treatment, which can include menstrual regulation and/or fertility treatment.
Are you ready to Regulate your hormones with Acupuncture?
At Pema Chen Acupuncture, we provide modern science based treatments with the traditional aspects of acupuncture to give you the best chance at concieving a baby despite a PCOS diagnosis. Acupuncture is enhanced with modernized allopathic medicine treatment and knowledge. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we talk about the balance of yin and yang, which from a basic level can be compared to estrogen and testosterone, and having the knowledge and ability to measure these hormones through bloodwork is extremely helpful in seeing if the acupuncture/herbal/dietary changes are working for your body or if the treatment needs to be adjusted. Knowing hormone levels is important and that is why we ask you to bring in all your blood work from your fertility clinic.
At Pema Chen Acupuncture, we provide modern science based treatments with the traditional aspects of acupuncture to give you the best chance at concieving a baby despite a PCOS diagnosis. Acupuncture is enhanced with modernized allopathic medicine treatment and knowledge. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we talk about the balance of yin and yang, which from a basic level can be compared to estrogen and testosterone, and having the knowledge and ability to measure these hormones through bloodwork is extremely helpful in seeing if the acupuncture/herbal/dietary changes are working for your body or if the treatment needs to be adjusted. Knowing hormone levels is important and that is why we ask you to bring in all your blood work from your fertility clinic.
What Can We Do For You?
Pema Chen Acupuncture is conveniently located in Englewood, New Jersey. Our acupuncturists can help treat PCOS and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy by balancing hormones. We focus a large part of our practice treating infertility for women all over Bergen County and Hudson County, New Jersey. We provide treatment to residents of Paramus, Teaneck, Fort Lee, Leonia, Hackensack, Tenafly, Cressill, Dumont, Demarest, Alpine, Closter, Harrington Park, Dumont, Palisades Park, and other locations in Essex County as well!
The acupuncturists are dedicated to helping you. Our compassionate team strives to prepare your body for a healthy and safe pregnancy and fulfill your dreams of motherhood. Give us a call or a text today: 201-431-5066.
Pema Chen Acupuncture is conveniently located in Englewood, New Jersey. Our acupuncturists can help treat PCOS and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy by balancing hormones. We focus a large part of our practice treating infertility for women all over Bergen County and Hudson County, New Jersey. We provide treatment to residents of Paramus, Teaneck, Fort Lee, Leonia, Hackensack, Tenafly, Cressill, Dumont, Demarest, Alpine, Closter, Harrington Park, Dumont, Palisades Park, and other locations in Essex County as well!
The acupuncturists are dedicated to helping you. Our compassionate team strives to prepare your body for a healthy and safe pregnancy and fulfill your dreams of motherhood. Give us a call or a text today: 201-431-5066.
More References:
- Current evidence of acupuncture on polycystic ovarian syndrome: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20230329/
- Dr. Pema featured on Harper's Bazaar for Acupuncture and PCOS: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/beauty/health/a40460431/acupuncture-pcos-treatment/
Disclaimer: All Content provided on or through the site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, and is not designed to promote or endorse any medical practice, program or agenda. Please speak with your medical doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.
Copyright © 5/17/22 Pema Chen Acupuncture , All rights reserved.
Copyright © 5/17/22 Pema Chen Acupuncture , All rights reserved.